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Full Version: Virus from film "The Invasion (2007)"
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When I played as Neurax worm one time, I remembered film The Invasion. I think that someone know about this film. It's about a alien virus (just not born on Earth) which changes minds of people. They become unfeeling fanatics with idea of ideal Homo sapiens without things like lies in journalistic. This effect happens after sleep.
So, I won't spoil you everything, see this film Wink
It's difficult to describe transmission of plague. Those ways are very weird. See the film.
Important! Human mustn't be sleepy. But we may add it as evolvable symptom. And symptoms won't mutate if special gene not activated (see below)
Tier 1:
Anemia. Will disable after sleep. Basically evolved.
Cough. Will disable after sleep.
Tier 2 (unlocked when Control ability evolves):
This tier may be managed by developers, but it's about control after people.
Tier 3:
Any lethal symptoms+sleepy symptom. You don't need to evolve it.
So it's climate and drug restistance, ordinary. Plus control ability, organized search of emotional people. Also, 5% of humanity will have restistance to virus, so there is one more ability "decrease immune".
In DNA we may put this.
1 slot.
Large reproduction - decreases immune system efficiency, better transmission
Regenerative structure - if virus critically damaged, it can survive, more lethality, but cure is easier to research
Replication mistakes - alien virus now can mutate
Pseudo-virus - immune priority is lower for alien virus, decreases transmission, but cure is harder to research
Adaptation - virus has adaptation with animals, but immune system will have max priority on plague, which decreases lethality
2 slot.
Not sure what I can put here
So what do you think about it?
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